Sunday, May 10, 2015

Being alone: What no one tells you.

No one tells you about the tough parts of moving across the world.

No one tells you about the feeling when...

You wake up in the morning and forget where you are for a split second. Then you hear the deafening silence and the hollow feeling- the feeling of being alone.

At night I would jerk myself awake, thinking that my cat had jumped on my bed- only to wake up and realise that I am alone in a hotel room.

For the entire month of living in a hotel room I slept with the television on the throughout night. Just so I would not be alone with my thoughts or dreams at night.

You can be surrounded by people who are all going through this "adventure" with you and be completely alone. (And I had my sister! From those first emotions you would think she was not there!).

Then moving into my apartment- where I would wonder around aimlessly late at night, thinking what the hell I had gotten myself into.

Weekend mornings were terrible- no noise of the kettle boiling waking me up. No one to say good morning. (Can you tell this is my first time living alone? Are these feelings normal? Blame it on my tight knit family.)

You can become quite bitter- so I started to go to Church. Who knew in a country across the world I would start going to Church again. I guess the saying is true, "The Lord works in mysterious ways".  

And this believe it or not brought me much comfort, I was not alone! I had the Lord right by my side, with His angels protecting my every step.

Being alone for a short period can be good for the soul.

All these conclusions I have made, would of taken me a very long time to come to, if I was not alone. Being alone means you can not ride on the coat tails of your family and friends. You have to make a decision for yourself- Who am I and what do I believe?

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