Sunday, May 10, 2015

Caution: There is comfort in routine

Caution: Take heed one of the many reasons for relocating is to escape our day to day routine and to discover another world. Well once we figure out the ins and outs of that foreign world it becomes familiar. This is good and bad, good because you know what to expect in your daily routine and bad because you can become stuck and stop growing. I think when you have learnt all that you can from an experience it is time to move on. Initially I had given myself a 2 year goal (coming up in August 2015) after 2 years I would need to assess if I am still growing as a person, in my career or am I just comfortable and financially stable? Another point to consider is whether your financial stability is able to support you travelling and your own person goals, in my case it is, so I given myself one more year to save and then reassess what the Lord wants for my life.

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