Monday, May 11, 2015

Comfort food

If you are wanting to relocate to Abu Dhabi be prepared to pack on a few more pounds. With the heat in summer reaching up to 40 Degrees Celsius, the only comfort can be found indoors... more specifically MALLS... malls...malls and more malls. Shop till you drop and eat till you roll!!
So I thought as a foodie, I thought I would share some restaurants and food experiences with you.
Abu Dhabi has such a WIDE variety of food and restaurants- which represent its large expat community. You can find traditional Indian, Syrian, Lebanese, Chinese, Thai, Jordanian, Italian and American food, just to mention a few. As well as local Emirati dishes. Teaching at a school with local Emiratis and expat Arabs, I have had the privilege to taste many of their traditional dishes. At school I have also picked up another custom- eating with my hands! And I must say I love it!    
Traditional Syrian food to celebrate the birth of my colleague's baby.
The atmosphere of everyone sitting and eating together on the floor is quite delightful.
I have forgotten the name of this dish, but I was told it is an Emirati dish.
Nevertheless it was scrumptious, and just what I needed after teaching the entire morning.
The bread, (more of a pancake consistency) can be eaten with honey.  
Language barriers sometimes get in the way, I was told this was bread as my colleagues only knew the Arabic name and could not think of the English translation.
Lemon Grass, is a fabulous restaurant with Thai and Asian dishes.
Egg fried rice, chicken satay and veg spring rolls are some of the standards I seem to order every time I go, (creature of habit).

Above is the decadent Leopold's of London, one of the best places in Abu Dhabi for breakfast and brunch. And of course a little something sweet to have with tea.
 Smoking Doll on the Corniche serves Thai food that will blow you away.
Café Blanc by the Eastern Mangroves serves some of the best Lebanese food. In fact this picture does not do it any justice, the variety is huge. Definitely a must if you want a lovely atmosphere with great food.
  As a South African I love a good milkshake. As a child whenever we had the privilege of eating out, I always chose a milkshake- especially Spur's! So in Abu Dhabi I was on a hunt to find a good thick milkshake... Not even Mac Donald's serves milkshakes in Abu Dhabi- you can imagine my surprise!! So I am happy to announce Johnny Rockets is the best I have tried so far! The Oreo and Strawberry mix has stolen my heart, (and my stomach).
PF Chang's never disappoints, if you are craving a delicious tasty and hearty dish they are the place to go.

Burger Joint, has an alternative and funky vibe. I didn't manage to snap a picture of the food but trust me it was a delicious burger, not to mention it has balcony with a view overlooking the Corniche, (bonus).

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